“In a statement announcing the integration, DataWorks Plus General Manager Brad Bylenga explained that Integrated Biometrics’ Columbo offered a unique solution to his firm’s design objects.”
Integrated Biometrics technology has been integrated into a new portable identity verification device aimed at the law enforcement market.
The device comes by way of DataWorks Plus. Dubbed “Evolution”, it’s a handheld, smartphone-like product designed to let law enforcement officers scan the fingerprints of individuals encountered in the field. To the end, it features Integrated Biometrics’ Columbo, an FBI FAP-30 certified fingerprint sensor; while other features include, GPS, a Secure Mobile Data Service complying with the FBI’s CJIS Security Policy, and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular connectivity, with the latter via AT&T or Verizon.
In a statement announcing the integration, DataWorks Plus General Manager Brad Bylenga explained that Integrated Biometrics’ Columbo offered a unique solution to his firm’s design objects. Bylenga said his team sought to develop a device with a rugged, FBI certified fingerprint sensor that also “had to be small enough to fit in a handheld device, and able to run for hours without a separate battery pack”; and he asserted, “Integrated Biometrics is the only company whose sensors meet that description.”
News of the integration comes soon after Integrated Biometrics’ announcement of a new distribution partner in the Brazil market, with Latin America representing a potential growth area that could also see rising demand for the Columbo and other Integrated Biometrics solutions.
March 13, 2018 – by Alex Perala
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