Aratek has shared more details about its Marshall biometric handheld, boasting about the device’s document-reading capabilities. The company revealed that the Marshall is powered by the OCR310e miniature OCR reading engine from Access-IS, an MRZ reader that allows the Marshall to read lines of code embedded in passports, visas, permanent residency permits, and other official ID documents that comply with the ICAO 9303 and ISO/IEC 7501 standards.
According to Aratek, the flexibility and compact form factor of the Access-IS OCR310e makes it ideal for the Marshall, which in turn can be leveraged for a wide range of border control solutions.
“Security concerns have made border control a top priority for many countries,” said Aratek Sales VP Samuel Wu. “The Marshall comes with MRZ reading capability allowing immigration authorities to effect stricter border controls.”
Aratek is pitching the Marshall as a highly portable solution for biometric registration and matching, noting that it can be integrated with FAP 20, 30, and 45 fingerprint scanners, and also has a built-in printer for convenient use in the field. The company’s own biometric algorithm recently received MINEX III certification.
Aratek has taken the Marshall on the road in the past few months, showcasing the handheld at SDW, ID4Africa, and other international conventions.
July 22, 2019 – by Eric Weiss
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