The latest Apple rumors suggest that the company is bringing in-display Touch ID to its iPad line of products. David Kowalski is reporting that the technology will appear in the upcoming iPad Mini 6, based on leaked design images of the device. According to those images, the iPad Mini 6 will also have a punch-hole cutout to accommodate the device’s front-facing camera, which would in turn allow Apple to reduce the size of its bezel.
If the rumors prove to be true, in-display Touch ID would distinguish the Mini 6 from other recent iPad models. The latest version of the iPad Air placed its fingerprint sensor in the power button on the top of the device, while the 2020 iPad continued to hide it in the home button. Both devices were announced in September, and both eschewed Face ID in favor of fingerprint authentication, despite rumors that hinted that that would not be the case.
As it stands, Apple is yet to offer in-display fingerprint recognition in any of its products, even as it becomes an increasingly common standard with the rest of the mobile industry. However, prognosticators have predicted its arrival on numerous occasions, and Apple has filed multiple patents that detail potential in-display Touch ID systems.
In other news, Kowalski’s leak offered support for an earlier rumor that indicated that the iPad Mini 6 would have a 9.1-inch display, making it larger than other models in the series. The device is expected to run on an A14 chipset, and could arrive as early as March of 2021.
Source: Gizmochina
(Originally posted on Mobile ID World)
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